Follow The Story from the Beginning

Follow the Story from the Beginning
This story was partly written and partly recorded by The Captain. It's told in Chapters. To read the story in the order it's told, start with the first Chapter by using the Archive list in the right column. When you catch up, you can sign up to get a notice each time a new chapter is posted.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Chapter 3 Leaving Nebraska

I set out looking for something better to do with my life. I began by hitch-hiking to Uvalde, Texas. It’s a small town about 70 miles west of San Antonio on highway 90. I was heading there to visit one of my older brothers who was an engineer for the Illinois Pipe Line Company. He ran the pumping station in Uvalde.

I took odd jobs until that summer I was able to get a job with the government on a 3 man crew that inspected the cotton fields for boll weevils. The “inspector” ran the crew and did the paperwork. The second guy ran the inspection machine. I went around and picked up the samples from the cotton gins and fed them to the machine. When we finished one field, we went on to the next from South Texas to North, then into Arizona. It was hot, dry and hard work.

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